]> 2006-02-15 BBC NEWS | Science/Nature | Dark matter comes out of the cold BBC NEWS - Dark matter comes out of the cold Astronomers have for the first time put some real numbers on the physical characteristics of dark matter. "Second Life is a 3-D virtual world entirely built and owned by its residents." Second Life: Your World. Your Imagination. 2006-02-17 Yahoo! UI Library 2006-02-17 Yahoo! Design Pattern Library 2006-02-17 2006-02-17 Mastering Ajax, Part 3: Advanced requests and responses in Ajax 2006-02-28 Burningbird » Cheap Eats at the Semantic Web Café Call SOAP Web services with Ajax 2006-02-05 Implement a Web browser-based SOAP Web services client using the Asynchronous JavaScript and XML (Ajax) design pattern. 2006-02-07 XML.com: Fixing AJAX: XMLHttpRequest Considered Harmful Hacks to fool your user's web browser into thinking that the data is coming from the same domain as the web page. in a very real way, the RDF model of data could be described as interlinked associative arrays. this simplification and reduction to something akin to an essence of RDF was in the back of my mind months later, when I was working on an AJAX application, using JSON as a data interchange format. prior to this, i had never looked too deeply into JavaScript, but the similarities between RDF and JSON were apparent. both are a very general, minimalist means of representing data, with simplicity being a primary virtue. both can be modeled very simply as a sets of connected associative arrays... Dan's Blaggity Blog: JavaScript and RDF - (almost) perfect together 2006-02-07 2006-02-02 Stanford Knowledge Systems, AI Laboratory KSL conducts research in the areas of knowledge representation and automated reasoning in the Artificial Intelligence Laboratory of the Department of Computer Science at Stanford University. Current work focuses on enabling technology for the Semantic Web, hybrid reasoning, explaining answers from heterogeneous applications, deductive question-answering, representing and reasoning with multiple contexts, knowledge aggregation, ontology engineering, and knowledge-based technology for intelligence analysts and other knowledge workers. 2006-02-09 2006-02-17 We begin by looking at the issue of "sloppy tags", and ask if there are ways the folksonomy community could offset such problems and create systems that are conducive to searching, sorting and classifying. We then go on to question this "tidying up" approach and its underlying assumptions, highlighting issues surrounding removal of low-quality, redundant or nonsense metadata, and the potential risks of tidying too neatly and thereby losing the very openness that has made folksonomies so popular. Folksonomies: Tidying up Tags? Flickr: Photos from hyperfp 2006-02-14 2006-02-04 blojsom Quickstart 2006-02-07 JS, Encoding and XMLHttpRequest Hugin 2006-02-17 AsynchronousBlog: Logging in JSON 2006-02-07 File system based 2006-02-06 Snurf: a Python-based Blogging System 2006-02-04 blosxom blosxom :: the zen of blogging :: documentation/users/configure/static.txt JSON, which stands for "JavaScript Object Notation", is a lightweight computer data interchange format. JSON is a subset of the object literal notation of JavaScript but its use does not require JavaScript. JSON - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia 2006-02-07 DBin Project A Semantic Web P2P with a "Filesharing philosophy" and/or a Semantic Newsgroup Client. 2006-02-17 2006-02-24 8 Mile American movie with Eminem. Rap battles in Detroit 2006-02-22 SemanticDesktop.org Still, we miss a wide use of Semantic Web technologies on personal computers. Liste de logiciels SW Wiki Semantic Wiki State Of The Art - Wiki@OntoWorld 2006-02-17 SnipSnap :: start SnipSnap 2006-02-06 Practical Common Lisp 2006-02-02 Boing Boing: MSFT: Our DRM licensing is there to eliminate hobbyists and little guys Microsoft's DRM requires that device makers pay Microsoft a license fee for each device that plays back video encoded with its system. it also requires every such vendor to submit to a standardized, non-negotiable license agreement that spells out how the player must be implemented. This contract contains numerous items that limit the sort of business you're allowed to pursue, notably that you may not implement a Microsoft player in open source software. 2006-02-17 2006-02-07 XML.com: JSON and the Dynamic Script Tag: Easy, XML-less Web Services for JavaScript 2006-02-17 «Tuez-les tous, Dieu reconnaîtra les siens.» - Arnaud Amaury Béziers, juillet 1209. Les croisés pénètrent dans la ville et demandent à Arnaud Amaury, légat du pape, comment distinguer les hérétiques des catholiques : «Tuez-les tous, Dieu reconnaîtra les siens.» Difficile de dire si l'anecdote est vraie, mais Arnaud Amaury sut se montrer digne d'une telle déclaration lorsqu'il écrivit au pape Innocent III : «Les nôtres, n'épargnant ni le sang, ni le sexe, ni l'âge, ont fait périr par l'épée environ 20&nbsp;000 personnes et, après un énorme massacre des ennemis, toute la cité a été pillée et brûlée. La vengeance divine a fait merveille.»<br/>La doctrine cathare, contrairement au catholicisme selon lequel Dieu est le créateur de toutes choses, imputait au diable la création du monde matériel. «Tuez-les tous, Dieu reconnaîtra les siens.» EETimes.com - Cellphone could crack RFID tags, says cryptographer 2006-02-17 XML.com: REST Roundup 2006-02-23 Blosxom Plugin Tagging 2006-02-05 How can you look inside the sun to see how it shines? In the mid-1960s, Ray Davis and John Bahcall thought they had a way. Drawing on advances made by other physicists earlier in the century, they intended to use notoriously elusive particles called neutrinos to verify ideas about the sun's inner workings. Theorist Bahcall calculated the number of neutrinos they expected to find, and experimentalist Davis tried to catch them. But for more than three decades, their results didn't jibe. In the chronology below, follow the case of the missing neutrinos, which ultimately led not only to a triumph for Davis and Bahcall but also to a surprising breakthrough in particle physics. 2006-02-17 NOVA | The Ghost Particle | Case of the Missing Particles | PBS 2006-02-22 NEPOMUK - The Social Semantic Desktop "Networked Environment for Personalized, Ontology-based Management of Unified Knowledge" NEPOMUK brings together researchers, industrial software developers, and representative industrial users, to develop a comprehensive solution for extending the personal desktop into a collaboration environment which supports both the personal information management and the sharing and exchange across social and organizational relations. A Multi-Ontology Approach for Personal Information Management 2005-11 In this paper, we propose a layered and semantic ontology-based framework for personal information management, and we discuss its annotations, associations, and navigation. We also discuss query processing in two cases: query rewriting in a single personal information application, PIA, and that between two PIAs. 2006-02-26 JSON Home: introducing JSON Introducing JSON 2006-02-07