]> 2006-11-20 I, Cringely . The Pulpit . The $200 Billion Lunch | PBS Implementing IPv6 will incur an infrastructure cost of around $200 billion, and that's just for the U.S....<br/>In the current addressing scheme, China received a very small number of IP addresses, and this was causing them a lot of difficulty...So they made a national decision to implement IPv6 and put in a good network design...Of course, the rest of the world is still on the old system and to communicate with China an address translation is needed. This is becoming a pain. Countries who want to do lots of business with China or who want to do lots of business through the Internet (India) are now seriously looking at their own IPv6 plans... <br/> China has done something very impressive and now others are taking notice. We (the U.S.) think we control the Internet, but China is proving otherwise. <br/> And what is happening in the USA? Well we have Net Neutrality. We have a telco rebuilding a national monopoly. We have Cisco and Microsoft working together on Network Admission Control (NAC). I can see a time in the near future when they'll try to charge me for every PC in my house. While China is building a national resource, our government is letting companies turn the public Internet into an expensive private toll road. <br/> But we'll move to IPv6, that's for sure, if only to make sure Halliburton has plenty of business. 2006-11-06 2006-11-07 Ivan's Blog : Workshop on Uncertainty Reasoning on the SW 2006-11-07 PR-OWL: A Bayesian Framework for the Semantic Web 2006-11-07 AI3 - Comprehensive Listing of 250 Semantic Web Tools 2006-11-14 Entrepreneurs See a Web Guided by Common Sense - New York Times Redfoot is a hypercoding system which is being used to create a webized operating system and is also being used to create applications. It is built around the notion of an RDF Graph for persistence rather than a File Tree . It provides standard web mechanisms to transport information across different machines and programmatically specifies the tasks for bundling and installing new software features across networked machines. The functions of Redfoot are analogous to that of an operating system kernel that manages resources across the web. Redfoot: Hypercoding System 2006-11-14 long term vision of the evolution of the web and the world by Nova Spivack, who runs a Semantic Web startup company Radar Networks. http://www.mindingtheplanet.net Minding the Planet: Minding The Planet -- The Meaning and Future of the Semantic Web 2006-11-07 Le rapport est effrayant : selon l’ONU, le revenu combiné des 500 personnes les plus riches du monde est supérieur à celui des 416 millions les plus pauvres. Le Programme des Nations unies pour le développement (PNUD) a rendu public, jeudi dernier, son rapport annuel sur l’Indice mondial du développement humain 2006. La Norvège arrive en tête, tandis que l’Afrique reste à la traîne. Elle stagne par rapport au reste du monde dont le développement humain « s’accélère ». Le Niger dans tout ça ? Dernier de la classe ! Le Niger s’accroche à sa place favorite, 177ème sur 177, roi des derniers. Selon le Pnud, « le fossé se creuse ». C’est peu dire ! Indice du développement humain 2006. Espérance de vie, niveau d’éducation et le revenu par habitant: le Niger bon dernier 2006-11-18 2006-11-06 Jena on Sourceforge HOME DE JENA