]> Grawiki - A Wiki (and aggregator) for graph-shaped data - benjamin nowack's blog 2008-01-25T08:47:18Z 2008-01-25 Grawiki is a SPARQL-based Data Wiki, a little bit inspired by freebase, less impressive, feature-rich, scalable and all that, but, well, OpenSource, SemWeb-enabled, and decentralized (each Grawiki installation can import selected graphs from other ones, back-POSTing is in the works). As it seems that I forgot to write-protect the instance mentioned above, you can play with it if you like. You'll most probably encounter bugs, the built-in inferencer is still at alpha stage, and editing of consolidated bnodes is quite tricky to implement. I'll tweak things in a day or two. With Grawiki, I think I finally have (the start of) a tool that could work nicely for ad-hoc RDF editing and aggregation (it can import RDF and certain microformats). Oh, and a personal URI, and a FOAF file. At last ;-) Tulip mania - Wikipedia 2008-01-25 2008-01-25T15:05:42Z 2008-01-25T13:52:13Z 2008-01-25 Apple - Site Map (example of website with good hierarchy) 2008-01-25 2008-01-25T13:10:07Z TechnicaLee Speaking: Why SPARQL? 2008-01-25 2008-01-25T08:45:14Z Claims About the Power of URI References Engineered Mosquitoes Could Wipe Out Dengue Fever 2008-01-25T21:32:22Z 2008-01-25 Scientists Build First Man-Made Genome; Synthetic Life Comes Next 2008-01-25T21:38:25Z 2008-01-25 Apollon: The Tree of Life Has Lost a Branch 2008-01-25T08:43:48Z 2008-01-25