]> 2013-02-28 2013-02-28T22:51:37Z Deux rats séparés par un continent mais reliés par le cerveau A Markov Model for Driver Turn Prediction 2013-02-28T14:40:46Z 2013-02-28 2013-02-28 2013-02-28T19:06:42Z Reality Drop: Spread Science about Climate Change, Global Warming A Brain-to-Brain Interface for Real-Time Sharing of Sensorimotor Information : Scientific Reports : Nature Publishing Group 2013-02-28T22:49:55Z 2013-02-28 InformationWeek – Software > How is Ford using Google’s prediction engine to build self learning cars 2013-02-28T14:05:43Z 2013-02-28 Understanding HBase and BigTable - Jimbojw.com 2013-02-28T16:06:36Z 2013-02-28