]> 2015-06-27T02:09:45Z 2015-06-27 Suggester - Solr Wiki 2015-06-12 HTML5 Custom Data Attributes (data-*) | HTML5 Doctor 2015-06-12T00:40:33Z Attack the Block 2015-06-10T22:13:42Z 2015-06-10 2011 British science fiction comedy film 2015-06-10 2015-06-10T19:34:16Z Dans le parc congolais des Virunga, l’armée à la solde du pétrolier SOCO 2015-06-28 2015-06-28T09:25:18Z Rosetta and Philae: Searching for a good signal | Rosetta - ESA's comet chaser Local Storage - Dive Into HTML5 2015-06-20T17:26:23Z 2015-06-20 Building With Node.js At Netflix 2015-06-28T09:30:53Z 2015-06-28 2015-06-29 2015-06-29T01:37:01Z Paul Ford: What is Code? | Bloomberg 2015-06-28 2015-06-28T01:57:26Z Miximum – Pour enfin comprendre Javascript Explosive intervention by Pope Francis set to transform climate change debate | The Guardian The most anticipated papal letter for decades calls for an end to the ‘tyrannical’ exploitation of nature by mankind. Could it lead to a step-change in the battle against global warming? 2015-06-14T14:31:31Z 2015-06-14 Advanced autocomplete with Solr Ngrams 2015-06-26T17:38:08Z 2015-06-26 Solr, Jetty and CORS - Chris Eldredge 2015-06-20T09:24:03Z 2015-06-20 2015-06-25T18:16:14Z Brain connections last as long as the memories they store, Stanford neuroscientist finds | Stanford News Release 2015-06-25 2015-06-12 A Detailed Introduction To Custom Elements – Smashing Magazine 2015-06-12T00:38:10Z 2015-06-27 Romi's blog: Configure Solr -Suggester 2015-06-27T01:46:24Z 2015-06-14 Rosetta’s lander Philae wakes up from hibernation | Rosetta - ESA's comet chaser 2015-06-14T14:24:56Z 2015-06-18T19:37:14Z 2015-06-18 Climat : le pape s’attaque à la « culture du déchet » des pays riches This is an implementation of promises/deferred objects inspired by Kris Kowal's Q. 2015-06-12 2015-06-12T00:44:15Z AngularJS: API: $q Super flexible AutoComplete with Solr | Cominvent AS - Enterprise search consultants 2015-06-20T09:36:36Z 2015-06-20 Des corrélations observables entre "guerre contre la drogue" et question raciale : depuis le XIXe siècle, tout se passe comme si les lois anti-drogue servaient avant tout d’arguments électoraux et d’armes contre des populations noires ou immigrées considérées comme une menace économique. 2015-06-20 Les États-Unis et la drogue | ARTE 2015-06-20T18:25:54Z Serving autocomplete suggestions fast! 2015-06-15T17:49:18Z 2015-06-15 2015-06-21T11:36:09Z La batterie d’Elon Musk peut-elle tout changer ? | InternetActu 2015-06-21 Quel goût a la chair d’homme ? | Passeur de sciences 2015-06-03T00:27:42Z 2015-06-03 Solr and autocomplete (part 2) | Solr Enterprise Search 2015-06-20 2015-06-20T09:49:46Z 2015-06-21 « L’Etat islamique à Palmyre, c’est l’Etat islamique dans la cour du Louvre » 2015-06-21T22:49:22Z