]> 2020-04-29 2020-04-29T14:09:42Z A Comprehensive Survey of Knowledge Graph Embeddings with Literals: Techniques and Applications 2020-04-29T14:04:51Z 2020-04-29 CEUR-WS.org/Vol-2377 - Workshop on Deep Learning for Knowledge Graphs 2019 > survey of the KG embedding models which consider the structured information of the graph as well as the unstructured information in form of literals such as text, numerical values etc A le mérite de poser la question de l'utilisation de littéraux dans les embeddings de KG, mais pas bien terrible en dehors de ça. 2020-04-29 2020-04-29T16:43:58Z Blog de Raphaël Sourty 2020-04-29 2020-04-29T19:04:03Z Iterative Entity Alignment with Improved Neural Attribute Embedding