]> 2021-02-05T10:44:11Z 2021-02-05 Linking Entities with Knowledge Graphs | by Sigurd Berglann | Strise | Medium OpenLux : Luxembourg, radiographie d’un paradis fiscal 2021-02-08 2021-02-08T21:05:46Z 2021-02-09 2021-02-09T02:08:16Z Cape York meteorite - Wikipedia 2021-02-10 2021-02-10T21:46:33Z Histoire et mémoire au Niger - Presses universitaires du Midi Dans quelle mesure l’Histoire et les historiens participent-ils à l’élaboration d’une identité nationale ? Analyse détaillée du cas nigérien BERNUSSOU, Jérôme. Histoire et mémoire au Niger: De l’indépendance à nos jours. New edition [online]. Toulouse: Presses universitaires du Midi, 2009 (generated 10 février 2021). Available on the Internet: <http://books.openedition.org/pumi/34301>. ISBN: 9782810709519. DOI: https://doi.org/10.4000/books.pumi.34301. [Chapitre I. Les nouveaux axes de l’historiographie universitaire : « histoire totale » et « histoire politique »](doc:2021/02/histoire_et_memoire_au_niger__1) 2021-02-01 2021-02-01T08:13:36Z Custom NLP Approaches to Data Anonymization | by Omri Mendels | Towards Data Science > **Presidio**, a production ready open-source service, available for free, for anyone who wishes to address the data privacy problem. > > Presidio allows any user to create standard and transparent processes for anonymizing PII entities on structured and unstructured data. To do so, it exposes a set of predefined PII recognizers (for common entities like names, credit card numbers and phone numbers), and tools for extending it with new logic for identifying more specific PII entities. 2021-02-10T14:17:23Z [Part 2: NER algo benchmark: spaCy, Flair, m-BERT and camemBERT on anonymizing French commercial legal cases](doc:2019/12/ner_algo_benchmark_spacy_flai) 2021-02-10 Why we switched from Spacy to Flair to anonymize French case law | by Michaël Benesty | Towards Data Science > Aux marges de l'ancien empire du Bornou, entre les légendes des géants sao et l'organisation coloniale des territoires, l'ouvrage de Maïkoréma Zakari est un trajet de quatre siècles à travers les traditions orales du pays des Manga. C'est une étude de cas exemplaire des problèmes posés par l'histoire africaine [Autre compte-rendu](https://www.persee.fr/doc/jafr_0399-0346_1990_num_60_1_2303_t1_0182_0000_2) 2021-02-10 Maikorema (Zakari) : Contribution à l'histoire des populations du Sud-Est nigérien, le cas du Mangari, XVIe-XIXe siècles - Persée 2021-02-10T21:24:04Z > Mildred Hayes is grieving over the rape and murder of her teenage daughter, Angela, seven months earlier. Angry over the lack of progress in the investigation, Mildred rents three abandoned billboards near her home and posts on them: "Raped While Dying", "And Still No Arrests?", and "How Come, Chief Willoughby?" 2021-02-08T01:03:47Z 2021-02-08 Three Billboards Outside Ebbing, Missouri 2021-02-11 2021-02-11T17:12:46Z The archaeology of northern Nigeria: trade, people and polities, 1500 BP onwards Use google BERT to do CoNLL-2003 NER ! 2021-02-07T11:37:39Z 2021-02-07 kamalkraj/BERT-NER: Pytorch-Named-Entity-Recognition-with-BERT 2021-02-08T13:48:51Z Antoine Bosselut 2020-10-30T07:30:59Z [1911.03876] Dynamic Neuro-Symbolic Knowledge Graph Construction for Zero-shot Commonsense Question Answering 2019-11-10T08:20:20Z 1911.03876 2021-02-08 Antoine Bosselut Understanding narratives requires reasoning about implicit world knowledge related to the causes, effects, and states of situations described in text. At the core of this challenge is how to access contextually relevant knowledge on demand and reason over it. In this paper, we present initial studies toward zero-shot commonsense question answering by formulating the task as inference over dynamically generated commonsense knowledge graphs. In contrast to previous studies for knowledge integration that rely on retrieval of existing knowledge from static knowledge graphs, our study requires commonsense knowledge integration where contextually relevant knowledge is often not present in existing knowledge bases. Therefore, we present a novel approach that generates contextually-relevant symbolic knowledge structures on demand using generative neural commonsense knowledge models. Empirical results on two datasets demonstrate the efficacy of our neuro-symbolic approach for dynamically constructing knowledge graphs for reasoning. Our approach achieves significant performance boosts over pretrained language models and vanilla knowledge models, all while providing interpretable reasoning paths for its predictions. Dynamic Neuro-Symbolic Knowledge Graph Construction for Zero-shot Commonsense Question Answering Yejin Choi Ronan Le Bras Retrieval Augmented Generation with Huggingface Transformers and Ray | Distributed Computing with Ray > Huggingface Transformers recently added the Retrieval Augmented Generation (RAG) model, a new NLP architecture that leverages external documents (like Wikipedia) to augment its knowledge and achieve state of the art results on knowledge-intensive tasks 2021-02-11 2021-02-11T08:49:32Z Anne Haour - Academia.edu 2021-02-11 2021-02-11T17:06:35Z 2021-02-07T11:59:58Z 2021-02-07 Au Kirghizistan, l’indésirable présence de la Chine 2021-02-13 2021-02-13T10:54:38Z Le calendrier mythique chez les Songhay-Zarma (Niger) arogozhnikov/einops: Deep learning operations reinvented (for pytorch, tensorflow, jax and others) 2021-02-03 2021-02-03T15:37:19Z